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Benchmarking of production sites using energy management system for comparisons and effective energy cost management

23 August 2023 by
Benchmarking of production sites using energy management system for comparisons and effective energy cost management
EnergySolution Labs Pvt Ltd, Akshay Goliya

The Problem

Multi-site production plants & business use benchmarking as a point of reference creation for their global standards as well as creating a competitive drive in their plants. Benchmarking is the practice of a business comparing key metrics of their operations to other similar companies or their group companies.

Benchmarking of industrial equipment can lead to a knowledge of failures or disruption in any instrument. For eg- If two sites have the similar type of equipment and instruments. If site 1 requires more energy than site 2, then the instruments of site 1 have some problems either technical or manual which are demanding more energy than site 2. This can also be applied to power quality parameters or demand.

Calculated ratios of production & energy consumed can be the guiding criteria to rate plants for effective production performance management.

Benchmarking of production sites using energy management system for comparisons and effective energy cost management

The Solution
An energy management system is an optimum solution for the benchmarking of any industry. It does a thorough monitoring of electric energy consumption, based on an analysis of the amount and type of energy used in each system; and accordingly energy data reports are formed. These reports can prove to be of vital importance for the energy benchmarking.

Along with the benchmarking, data collected in an EMS will lead to the development of a set of measures to reduce energy consumption. The EMS will provide specific information and identify real possibilities of energy savings as well as avoid critical downtime of machines. It consists of an examination of how energy is used based on accurate records for fuel consumption and associated costs.

The Benefits
  • Accurate energy monitoring, real-time energy consumption
  • Better information to make decisions that can help optimize energy                       performance
  • Comparison of usage across similar facilities over time
  • Early detection of maintenance issues for repair, before critical equipment fails

Monitor Production OEE metrics along with the energy to find per piece energy consumption including quality, performance, & efficiency.

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