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College of Engineering, Pune

28 August 2023 by
College of Engineering, Pune
EnergySolution Labs Pvt Ltd, Ajay Kolte

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Project Overview
Client: ​College of Engineering, Pune (COEP)
Location: Pune, Maharashtra
Application: Online energy monitoring through marc
Product: marc.desktop software (EMS)
Area: ​36.81 acres

College of Engineering, Pune (COEP) is an autonomous engineering institute affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University in Pune, Maharashtra, India. Established in 1854, it is one of the oldest engineering colleges in Asia. The college was one of the first few colleges established by the British to serve the Indian subcontinent. In 2003, the institute was granted complete autonomy by the State Government of Maharashtra, thus giving it the freedom to set its own curriculum and manage its own finances. The National Board of Accreditation, has accredited all programmes under Tier-2 (General) status for a period of 5 years from 2012.[15] In the year 2014, 9 undergraduate programmes were accredited with tier-1 (Washington Accord) status.

  • COEP caters its daily need of Energy from Maharashtra State Electricity Board(MSEB) and diesel generators (DG) are being used when MSEB supply is interrupted.
  • It started as a data acquisition requirement for the Electrical Engineering Department, but after understanding the opportunity it turned out to be a full-fledged EMS Project for the whole campus
  • Primary purpose is to monitor the energy consumption of every department.
  • There was no provision to measure and track their energy consumption.
  • There was no information available to depict the consumption pattern in the forms of table /graph which hamper/ delay decision making process.

The ESL approach

  • A very detailed discussion concluded the need for an energy monitoring tool along with the network of energy measuring meters and sensors.
  • We gave them 50 meters along with the customized software base which provided them the data-acquisition tools for automatically capturing data within an interval of 1 minute.
  • As all electrical data was logged automatically, manual data collection and data entries were eliminated.
  • ESL supplied the system along with measuring devices for incoming as well as outgoing feeders. The solution consisted of networking of Multifunction energy meters with the MARC server PC.
  • The energy-related data additionally helped to take decisions for maintaining power factor and harmonics at the desired levels that in-turn resulted in reduction of energy losses.
  • ESL supplied 7 PQM meters to maintain Harmonic as desired levels


The estimated goals were achieved by ESL's integrated approach and the in-depth understanding of requirements and issues related to energy consumption as well as controlling their maximum demand limits.

The benefits achieved were as follows-

  • Automatic data monitoring.
  • Develop a policy for more efficient use of energy
  • A significant improvement of the energy performance level from an initial energy baseline.
  • Power factor maintenance.
  • Energy consumption levels are now maintained and maximum demand is controlled within the limits.
  • Forecasting of energy requirements could be established thus reducing the problem of buying excess units at a higher rate.
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